Cheap real estate, rock-bottom refis, deals on electronics, quality stocks for less. Just a few of the ways you can take advantage of this down economy…
Have any other suggestions for taking advantage of the down economy? We’d love to hear your ideas. Just leave them by clicking the comment link below.
There are businesses out there that promise to improve your credit score for a price. But are they doing anything for you that you can’t do yourself?
We have other related stories on our site, just click the “Economy” link under Categories to your right.
Thinking of getting a pet in the new year? Here are three things to consider when budgeting for a pet.
1. Routine Vet Care
2. Emergency Care
3. Optional Costs
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Do you think you know what’s going to happen in the stock market this year? What about with oil prices, and last, but not least, housing? Compare your guesses to the experts.
Care to post your predictions? We’d love to hear what you think. Just click the comment link below and let ‘er rip with your economic forecast.