Your Income Taxes Thanks to Obamacare
When it comes to filing your income taxes this year, you've probably already received all of your income tax forms in the mail, like your W-2's, 1099's and 1098's (for deductible mortgage interest), and any others you might need for filing. You may have even filed your 2014 income taxes already. But what many filers who haven't filed yet may not be ready for this year is, just how Obamacare, aka – The Affordable Care Act – may affect their income taxes.
We have more income tax tips and articles in the Taxes section under the Columbia SC Real Estate Categories to your right. .
And don't forget, we also post tips daily on Twitter and Facebook, sometimes pertaining to Taxes and the Columbia SC economy, or the economy in general. Find us there as well..
And don't forget, we also post tips daily on Twitter and Facebook, sometimes pertaining to Taxes and the Columbia SC economy, or the economy in general. Find us there as well..